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Congratulations on the new job, Hideaki! Very nice treats!

Heather Meadows

Congrats on the job!

Wow, those confections look divine.

When my husband and I honeymooned in Japan, we took to wandering around muttering "keiki" to each other :> And I remember when I was homestaying there, my host mother took me to a cakerie so I could pick out a special dessert towards the end of my stay.

It seems like here in the US, you get all kinds of mass-produced, mediocre desserts wherever you go. I miss that attention to quality and visual appeal. (There are exceptions, thankfully, like local cafes and such...)


Congrats!! :)


So jealous. We used to a have a place in Vancouver like Planetes, but they shut down because the hotel they were in is undertaking a massive 5-year renovation. I suppose I could look elsewhere.

Congratulations to Hideaki! His dessert is called something different, but it looks an awful lot like a Montblanc to me. They are very popular in Japan. My wife likes them very much, and now I do too.

There are so many cake shops in Japan. I forget the name of it, but we had little cakes from a franchise in Abiko or Kashiwa a few times. Not La Popo. That's a pie shop, and shouldn't be confused with a cake shop. Hey - what's the deal with Mr. Donut? I'd never had rubber donuts before I visited their store.


Congratulations to Hideaki on his new job and wish him all the best


Congratulations to Hideaki .......A new job!
...and what beautiful looking desserts.. Yummm....


That's great news about the new job (although does that mean you won't get dinner cooked for you as often now?)
Those cakes look beautiful, I miss dainty Japanese baking.


hi there! thanks for linking tasty treats... otherwise i would never have come across your blog, it's fantastic :) will link back v. soon.


Oh my! I'm salivating as I look at those treats.

: )

Mama BoK

Congrats on your hubby's new job.. ! what better way to celebrate than we some sweet treats eh.. :)


Thanks for the congratulations!
I agree, Japan definitely has some great cake and sweets. Not necessarily a good thing-- the wonderful desserts here are partly to blame for the extra dozen (or so) pounds I've gained since coming here!

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